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Students in Library
A Young Woman Reading a Book


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We have the following titles available (click on the cover for link to information and purchase options):

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THE JOURNAL OF JAZMINE JONEZ: A Sports Confidential: this book allows the reader to take a peak into the life of a young "rich kid" who is trying to make it as a female writer in the male dominated world of sports reporting. An industry where woman can and often do get looked at as objects and not "real" journalist. Jazmine Jonez is a native of Southern California but has relocated to NYC to continue the grind towards her ultimate career but will find that in order to move forward she must address her legendary past. This is not going to be easy but Miss Jonez is definitely up to the challenge. To all a little rain must fall but through it all you will find your place in the sun.
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PURPLE HAZE CONFIDENTIAL, this book of twisted horror tales may be best taken in with a blunt and a bottle of alcohol. Just saying. These highly re-imagined urban legends are going to be an interesting read.
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NAUGHTY GIRLS NIGHT OUT: this is the story of a college co-ed who decides to play God she turns the lives of not only herself but those living in her dormitory upside down and they will never be the same again. It's a battle of the living and the dead or soon to be-- DEAD!
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BEWARE OF THE GHOST WRITER: through the pages of this book readers find out that when the ghost writer of an accomplished mystery writer John Russell threatens to leave him and become a writer in her own right, this doesn't set right with John. He has no plans to let her go anytime soon. 

We have the following titles available (click on the cover for link to information and purchase options). Note: many of the following titles can ONLY be purchased through Ground Floor Publishing

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LET'S BOSS-UP: On Mental Health, is a book designed to help performing artists and everyday people alike, who struggle with stress and mental anguish, the silent motivation and dream-killer, especially after the 2020 Coronavirus quarantine. This book is being offered to help kick the hell out of depression, to get the mind right and THRIVE in 2021 and beyond. This book will be available soon. Please check back soon.
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The B.O.S.$.: The Business of Small-Business ($how Bizness edition), is workbook created for artists with an entrepreneurial spirit and want to start their own small business (aka side-hustle) while pursing the career in the entertainment business. This book is available by special order via direct email ONLY, for now but may be available through outside outlets such as Amazon, B&Ns, etc., later in the year.
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WHO READY: To #BossUp on Hollywood & Become a Self- Producing Performer, is a book designed for performing artists who are tired of waiting on the industry to create projects for them, they want to take their career into their own hands and create indie projects to showcase themselves. This book is for you. This book is available by special order via direct email ONLY, for now but may be available through outside outlets such as Amazon, B&Ns, etc., later in the year.
Looking for Educational Workbooks, Planners, Journals & Resource Guides

We have the following titles available (click on the cover for link to information and purchase options):

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5th Edition

THE ABCs & 123s OF BREAKING INTO HOLLYWOOD, book was once only available if you took Coach Michelle's "Breaking into Hollywood (through the Backdoor)" classes and workshops, offered in Los Angeles, from 2007 through 2018. Now, she has made it available to anyone, anywhere in the world. Although it is still utilized as a teaching tool for aspiring artists, this journal-style workbook slash resource guide slash monthly planner can be used by anyone who wants to break into the every changing and
evolving entertainment industry: HOLLYWOOD!

The benefit of purchasing this 5th edition offers 6-weeks of acting classes for FREE. Visit for the details. This book is available most places books are sold and via this website by direct email. Promotional code available.

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4th Edition

THE ABCs AND 123s OF BREAKING INTO HOLLYWOOD, is the 4th edition of the book and is still relevant. Although you will not get free classes with the purchase of this edition, you will get a deep discount on the 6-week class. For more information on the classes please visit Book only available via Amazon.
White Page: Podcasts, Education, Literature & More...

We have the following titles available (click on the cover for link to information and purchase options):

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Audiobooks & Fictional Podcasts




Audiobook Script:



Audio presentation coming soon to

Audiobook Script:
(an urban drama)
Audio presentation coming soon to
Audiobook Script:
Audio presentation coming soon to
Audiobook Script:
Audio presentation coming soon to

Please note: We can no longer be reached at: -- for inquiries please contact:

More titles and works to come please check back soon


Ground Floor Publishing and GFPBookz are a part of the BDP Entertainment Group family of companies. For more information on BDPEGroup visit their website.

More For Our Visitors

Rather Hear Books then Read them?

If you are moreover a listener than a reader then we may have just the place for you. We have partnered with PodcastBeast to add audiobooks and fictional podcasts to our roster. Go over and take a listen.


GFPBookz (Ground Floor Publishing) can be reached here.

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